當前位置:首頁 - 電腦進程查詢 - incdsrv.exe



Process File: incdsrv.exe
Process Name: Ahead Nero InCD Service
Description: incdsrv.exe is an Ahead Nero system service set to autorun when InCD is installed. This process is called the InCD helper file which provides assistance with the InCD file system. This program is a non-essential process, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems.
Author: Ahead Software
Part of: Ahead Nero InCD Service
Common Path(s): unknown
Secuirty Risk (0-5): 0
Spyware: No
Adware: No
Virus: No
Trojan: No
System Process: No
Application: Yes
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: No
Uses Internet: No
Related Process:

