當前位置:首頁 - 電腦進程查詢 - ituneshelper.exe



Process File: ituneshelper.exe
Process Name: Apple Itunes
Description: ituneshelper.exe is a process belonging to Itunes MP3 streaming tool by Apple, which allows you to play MP3's. This process speeds up iTunes when it starts, and the program also monitors for connected iPod devices. This is a non-essential process. Disabling or enabling it is down to user preference.
Author: Apple
Part of: Apple Itunes
Common Path(s): unknown
Secuirty Risk (0-5): 0
Spyware: No
Adware: No
Virus: No
Trojan: No
System Process: No
Application: Yes
Background Process: No
Uses Network: No
Uses Internet: Yes
Related Process:

