當前位置:首頁 - 電腦進程查詢 - msgplus.exe



Process File: msgplus.exe
Process Name: MSN MessengerPlus
Description: msgplus.exe is distributed as a third party MSN extension. However is also spyware if installed with the sponsor program it offers to install. If this optional sponsor program was installed, this process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analysis. This also prompts advertising popups. Please see additional details regarding this process.
Author: GFDD Design
Part of: MSGPLUS.NET MSN MessengerPlus
Common Path(s): unknown
Secuirty Risk (0-5): 0
Spyware: No
Adware: No
Virus: No
Trojan: No
System Process: No
Application: Yes
Background Process: No
Uses Network: Yes
Uses Internet: Yes
Related Process: msgplus.exe

